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Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 - 4 - 2024
eISSN: 2661-6661
Page 27-36
Received: March 04 , 2024
Approved: June 03 , 2024
Challenges and opportunities in the
teaching of professional values in
technical careers: The case of Foreign
Trade Engineering
Desafíos y oportunidades en la enseñanza de valores
profesionales en las carreras técnicas: El caso de
Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior
Catalina Vitelia Vargas Pérez
John Fernando Granados Romero
Katia Sánchez González
The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges and
opportunities in the teaching of professional values in the Foreign
Trade Engineering program at the University of Guayaquil. Given
that the training of technical professionals in a globalized world
demands not only technical competencies, but also a solid ethical
foundation, this study seeks to analyze how values are integrated into
the curriculum and what barriers hinder their effective
implementation. A mixed methodology was employed, combining
quantitative and qualitative approaches to obtain a comprehensive
view of the phenomenon. Data collection included surveys of 100
students and 10 faculty members, as well as semi-structured
interviews with 3 faculty managers. In addition, participant
observations were conducted in classrooms to analyze pedagogical
practices. The population consisted of students from different years
of the Foreign Trade Engineering program, professors who teach
Msc. Universidad de Guayaquil,
4496 ,
Dr. Universidad de Guayaquil,
Dr. Universidad Cienfuegos,,
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
technical subjects, and managers responsible for academic training
at the university. Among the main findings, a generalized perception
of the importance of professional values for success in the workplace
stands out. However, significant barriers were identified, such as the
lack of time in the curricula, insufficient teacher training in values-
oriented pedagogies, and the absence of formal mechanisms to
evaluate the ethical development of students. Despite these
challenges, both teachers and administrators showed a willingness to
improve the integration of values in the curriculum, which represents
an opportunity to strengthen the comprehensive education of
Keywords: Professional values; Technical education; Foreign trade
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los desafíos y
oportunidades en la enseñanza de valores profesionales en la carrera
de Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior en la Universidad de Guayaquil.
Dado que la formación de profesionales técnicos en un mundo
globalizado no solo demanda competencias técnicas, sino también
una sólida base ética, este estudio busca analizar cómo se integran
los valores en el currículo y qué barreras dificultan su
implementación efectiva. Se empleó una metodología mixta,
combinando enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos para obtener una
visión integral del fenómeno. La recolección de datos incluyó
encuestas a 100 estudiantes y 10 docentes, así como entrevistas
semiestructuradas con 3 directivos de la facultad. Además, se
realizaron observaciones participantes en aulas de clase para analizar
las prácticas pedagógicas. La población estuvo compuesta por
estudiantes de distintos años de la carrera de Ingeniería en Comercio
Exterior, docentes que imparten asignaturas técnicas, y directivos
responsables de la formación académica en la universidad. Entre los
principales hallazgos, se destaca una percepción generalizada de la
importancia de los valores profesionales para el éxito en el ámbito
laboral. Sin embargo, se identificaron barreras significativas, como
la falta de tiempo en los planes de estudio, la insuficiente formación
de los docentes en pedagogías orientadas a valores, y la ausencia de
mecanismos formales para evaluar el desarrollo ético de los
estudiantes. Pese a estos desafíos, tanto docentes como directivos
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
mostraron disposición para mejorar la integración de valores en el
currículo, lo que representa una oportunidad para fortalecer la
formación integral de los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: Valores profesionales; Educación técnica;
Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior
Training in professional values within technical careers, such as
Foreign Trade Engineering, is a significant challenge in the
educational context of developing countries such as Ecuador.
UNESCO has stressed the need to integrate ethical and moral values
in education, emphasising that the objective is not only to train
technically competent professionals, but also upright citizens who
contribute to social welfare and sustainable development.
In this context, several researchers such as (Acebo Rivera, 2016);
(Fresno Chavez, 2018) (Gómez, 2018) (Hirsch Adler, 2019);
(Quijada, 2019) (Moreno Jácome, Ramírez Ramírez, & Escobar
Pérez, 2020) all agree that the teaching of values in technical careers
faces multiple challenges. On a global level, rapid technological
evolution and globalisation have redefined the dynamics of the
labour market, demanding not only technical skills, but also robust
ethical training that allows professionals to act responsibly in
multicultural and changing environments. In Ecuador,
(Constituyente., 2008) emphasises that these challenges are
intensified by the need to adapt education to local social and
economic realities, marked by inequality and poverty.
By its nature, the degree in Foreign Trade Engineering requires
professionals not only to master technical knowledge, but also to act
with ethical responsibility in an environment characterised by
interculturality and the complexities of global trade. This is where
training in values becomes a fundamental pillar, as it enables future
foreign trade engineers to face ethical dilemmas and make decisions
that consider economic as well as social and environmental aspects.
In an increasingly competitive and globalised world of work, the
training of technical professionals demands not only specialised
knowledge, but also a solid set of ethical and professional values. In
this sense, several authors such as (HIrsch, 2018) (Ramos, 2019)
(Sheveleva, 2020) (Ramírez VKG, 2022), (Vieira do Nascimento,
2022) (Castro Maldonado, 2023) (Castro, 2024) emphasise that
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
honesty, responsibility, respect, solidarity and professional ethics are
fundamental for the successful performance of graduates in their
respective areas of work and for the development of a fairer and
more equitable society.
The University of Guayaquil, as an institution of higher education,
plays a crucial role in the training of these future professionals.
However, the effective integration of professional values in the
curricula of technical careers presents several challenges. These
challenges are compounded by factors such as the growing demand
for highly specialised technical professionals, the rapid evolution of
technologies and the diversity of socio-cultural contexts in which
students develop.
The main objective of this study is to identify the challenges and
opportunities faced by the University of Guayaquil in integrating
professional values into the teaching of its technical careers. By
understanding the challenges and taking advantage of the
opportunities, the University of Guayaquil will be able to develop
more effective pedagogical and curricular strategies to foster the
development of technical competencies and professional values in
its students. In this way, it will contribute to the training of highly
qualified professionals committed to the sustainable development of
The Ecuadorian education system, through policies of the National
Development Plan, promotes the inclusion of values in the
curriculum, not only as a complement, but as an integral part of the
teaching-learning process. However, the effective implementation of
values education faces obstacles such as lack of resources, resistance
to change in some educational sectors, and the need for continuous
training for teachers.
This article addresses the challenges and opportunities in the
teaching of professional values in Foreign Trade Engineering in
Ecuador, through a mixed methodological approach that combines
the use of questionnaires and interviews. It seeks to identify the most
effective strategies for instilling ethical values in students, and to
analyse how these values can influence their academic and
professional performance.
Materials and methods
The study will adopt a mixed methodology, combining quantitative
and qualitative approaches. This strategy will allow for a more
holistic and in-depth understanding of the phenomenon, integrating
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
precise numerical data with contextualised information obtained
from the perceptions and experiences of the participants.
Population and Sample
The study population will be made up of members of the university
community of the University of Guayaquil, specifically:
Students: A sample of 100 students from different technical
careers will be selected, considering representativeness
criteria such as year of study and gender.
Teachers: A sample of 10 teachers who teach subjects in
technical careers will be selected, considering criteria such
as seniority in the institution and area of specialisation.
Managers: The 3 main managers of the faculty or school
where the technical courses are taught will be interviewed.
Data Collection Techniques and Instruments
Quantitative approach:
Survey: A structured questionnaire with closed and open
questions will be designed to collect information on
students‘ and teachers’ perceptions of the importance of
professional values, pedagogical practices used and
perceived barriers.
Qualitative approach:
Participant observation: direct classroom observations will
be conducted to analyse pedagogical practices and learning
Semi-structured interviews: Individual in-depth interviews
will be conducted with teachers and managers to explore
their experiences, opinions and perspectives on teaching
professional values.
Data Collection Procedure
1. Access to the field: Authorisation will be sought from the
university authorities to carry out the research.
2. Sample selection: Participants will be selected according to the
established criteria.
3. Application of instruments: The surveys will be applied,
observations and interviews will be carried out in a determined
period of time.
4. Data recording: Data will be recorded in databases and in audio
or video files (in the case of interviews).
Data Analysis
Quantitative analysis: Numerical data obtained from the
surveys will be analysed using descriptive and inferential
statistics, using statistical software such as SPSS or R.
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
Qualitative analysis: Qualitative data obtained from
observations and interviews will be analysed using coding,
categorisation and thematic analysis techniques, using
qualitative analysis software such as Atlas.ti or NVivo.
Ethical Considerations
The ethical principles of the research will be respected,
Voluntariness: The participation of the subjects will be
Confidentiality: The confidentiality of the data and the
identity of the participants will be guaranteed.
Anonymity: Data will be presented in an aggregated and
anonymous form.
Informed consent: Participants will sign an informed consent
form before participating in the research.
Perception of the importance of values: The majority of students and
teachers surveyed consider professional values to be very important
for success in the workplace. However, there is a significant gap
between the perception of their importance and the frequency with
which they are addressed in lessons.
Pedagogical practices: The results reveal that pedagogical practices
focused on the transmission of theoretical knowledge predominate
in the classroom, leaving little room for the development of socio-
emotional skills and values.
Perceived barriers: The main barriers identified are:
Lack of time in curricula.
Lack of teacher training in values-oriented pedagogies.
Lack of assessment mechanisms for values.
Lack of integration of values in practical projects.
Qualitative results
Classroom observation: Observations revealed that interactions
between teachers and students focus mainly on technical problem
solving, with little opportunity to reflect on the ethical implications
of professional decisions.
Teacher interviews: The teachers interviewed acknowledged the
importance of instilling professional values, but noted significant
difficulties in integrating them into their teaching practices,
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
attributing these limitations to the pressure to comply with curricular
content and the lack of appropriate teaching resources.
Interviews with principals: Managers agreed on the importance of
values, but pointed to the need to develop clearer institutional
policies and teacher training strategies to promote their integration
into the curriculum.
The results indicate a general consensus on the relevance of
professional values. However, their integration in technical careers
at the University of Guayaquil faces considerable challenges, such
as the lack of time in the curricula, insufficient teacher training in
values-oriented pedagogies, and the absence of formal mechanisms
to assess the development of ethical competencies.
These findings are consistent with previous research that has pointed
to the difficulty of integrating values in highly specialised
educational contexts. However, opportunities for improvement were
also identified, such as the willingness of teachers to incorporate new
pedagogical practices and the interest of managers in strengthening
values education.
Strengthen teacher training: Implement continuous training
programmes for teachers, focused on the development of
pedagogical competencies for the teaching of values.
Incorporate values assessment: Design assessment instruments to
measure the development of values competencies in students.
Develop didactic materials: Develop didactic materials that integrate
values into the contents of the subjects.
Promote interdisciplinary projects: Encourage the implementation of
projects that allow students to apply theoretical knowledge and
develop socioemotional skills.
Create an institutional culture: Foster an institutional culture that
values ethics and social responsibility.
This study concludes that, although the integration of professional
values in technical careers at the University of Guayaquil faces
several challenges, there are also significant opportunities to
improve the comprehensive training of students. Implementing
continuous teacher training programmes and developing
mechanisms for the evaluation of ethical competencies are essential
steps towards more holistic and effective teaching.
Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
The findings reveal an urgent need to transform teaching practices
from a focus on the transmission of theoretical knowledge to a more
holistic approach that promotes the development of technical
competencies and values. There is also a need for greater
coordination between the different actors involved in the educational
process, such as teachers, managers and students, in order to build
an institutional culture that values ethics and social responsibility.
Among the main recommendations derived from this research, the
following stand out:
Strengthen teacher training: Implement continuous training
programmes that train teachers in active pedagogies and in the
integration of values in their practices.
Develop teaching materials: Develop innovative teaching materials
that allow students to reflect on the ethical implications of their
professional decisions.
Incorporate values assessment: Design assessment instruments to
measure the development of value competences in students and
provide feedback to teachers.
Promote interdisciplinary projects: Encourage projects that link
theoretical knowledge with professional practice and promote
teamwork and collaboration.
Create an institutional culture: Foster an institutional culture that
values ethics, social responsibility and innovation.
In summary, this study has highlighted the importance of integrating
professional values in technical careers at the University of
Guayaquil. By implementing the proposed recommendations, the
institution will be able to train highly qualified professionals
committed to the sustainable development of society.
Acebo Rivera, M. L. (2016). LA FORMACIÓN DE VALORES
2224-2643, 7(5), 5570. .
Castro Maldonado, J. J. (2023). La investigación aplicada y el desarrollo
experimental en el fortalecimiento de las competencias de la
sociedad del siglo XXI.. Tecnura, , 27(75), 140-174.
Sinergias educativas
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Sheveleva, A. (2020). The university teachers’ professional ethics from
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Recuperado de
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superior: Tendencias, barreras y factores impulsores. . Revista
Educación Superior Y Sociedad (ESS), , 34(1), 642-667.