Sinergias educativas
October - December Vol. 9 – 4 - 2024
mostraron disposición para mejorar la integración de valores en el
currículo, lo que representa una oportunidad para fortalecer la
formación integral de los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: Valores profesionales; Educación técnica;
Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior
Training in professional values within technical careers, such as
Foreign Trade Engineering, is a significant challenge in the
educational context of developing countries such as Ecuador.
UNESCO has stressed the need to integrate ethical and moral values
in education, emphasising that the objective is not only to train
technically competent professionals, but also upright citizens who
contribute to social welfare and sustainable development.
In this context, several researchers such as (Acebo Rivera, 2016);
(Fresno Chavez, 2018) (Gómez, 2018) (Hirsch Adler, 2019);
(Quijada, 2019) (Moreno Jácome, Ramírez Ramírez, & Escobar
Pérez, 2020) all agree that the teaching of values in technical careers
faces multiple challenges. On a global level, rapid technological
evolution and globalisation have redefined the dynamics of the
labour market, demanding not only technical skills, but also robust
ethical training that allows professionals to act responsibly in
multicultural and changing environments. In Ecuador,
(Constituyente., 2008) emphasises that these challenges are
intensified by the need to adapt education to local social and
economic realities, marked by inequality and poverty.
By its nature, the degree in Foreign Trade Engineering requires
professionals not only to master technical knowledge, but also to act
with ethical responsibility in an environment characterised by
interculturality and the complexities of global trade. This is where
training in values becomes a fundamental pillar, as it enables future
foreign trade engineers to face ethical dilemmas and make decisions
that consider economic as well as social and environmental aspects.
In an increasingly competitive and globalised world of work, the
training of technical professionals demands not only specialised
knowledge, but also a solid set of ethical and professional values. In
this sense, several authors such as (HIrsch, 2018) (Ramos, 2019)
(Sheveleva, 2020) (Ramírez VKG, 2022), (Vieira do Nascimento,
2022) (Castro Maldonado, 2023) (Castro, 2024) emphasise that