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Sinergias educativas
July - Septiembre Vol. 9 - 3 - 2024
eISSN: 2661-6661
Page 96-106
Received: March 11 , 2024
Approved: June 25, 2024
Impact of the Blended Learning
modality in the Physics subject at the
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón
Bolívar in Guayaquil
Impacto de la modalidad Blended Learning en la
asignatura de Física en el Instituto Superior
Tecnológico Simón Bolívar de Guayaquil
Ana Lucía Jordán Andrade
Ericka Paola Rodríguez Bautista
Brenda Holanda Sanmartín Reyes
The objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of the blended-
learning modality in a group of students who took the Physics course
in a high school, with whom the Moodle platform was used as a
virtual classroom. As main results, it was found that the students who
passed this subject had a 78.9 % positive perception about the
effectiveness of the B-Learning modality in the teaching of Physics,
they emphasized that the application of exercises, games and
workshops through the virtual classroom helped them to reinforce
their knowledge, besides emphasizing the necessary skills that
teachers should have. In conclusion, the implementation of this
modality has had a positive impact on the learning process and it is
suggested to continue applying it in this and other subjects for the
benefit of education.
* MSc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar in
* MSc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar in
* PhD. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar in
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
Keywords: Blended learning, Moodle, virtual teaching - online,
learning experiences, education.
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el impacto de la modalidad
blended-learning en un grupo de alumnos que cursaron la asignatura
de Física en un instituto, con los que se utilizó la plataforma Moodle
como aula virtual. Como principales resultados, se encontró que los
alumnos que aprobaron esta asignatura tuvieron una percepción
positiva del 78.9 % sobre la efectividad de la modalidad B-Learning
en la enseñanza de la Física, destacaron que la aplicación de
ejercicios, juegos y talleres a través del aula virtual les ayudó a
reforzar sus conocimientos, además de hacer énfasis en las
habilidades necesarias que debe tener el docente. En conclusión, la
implementación de esta modalidad ha tenido un impacto positivo en
el proceso de aprendizaje y se sugiere continuar aplicándola en esta
y otras asignaturas en beneficio de la educación.
Palabras clave: Blended learning, Moodle, enseñanza virtual - en
línea, experiencias de aprendizaje, educación.
Education is a constantly evolving field, where the integration of
technology and new pedagogical methodologies play a fundamental
role in improving the quality of teaching and learning. In this
context, Blended Learning, or mixed learning, which emerged in the
late 90s, is an educational strategy that combines the best of face-to-
face and online teaching, which aims to provide a more enriching
learning experience and adaptable to the needs of students. This
modality has been widely adopted in educational institutions around
the world and has proven its effectiveness in a variety of academic
The Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar, located in
Guayaquil, Ecuador, is a public institution that is committed to
offering quality training and staying at the forefront of educational
trends. In this line of thought, the question has been raised as to how
the implementation of the Blended Learning modality could
influence the teaching of a fundamental subject such as Physics.
Physics, with its fundamental concepts and principles, is often
considered challenging for many students. Therefore, it is essential
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
to explore how a strategic combination of face-to-face and online
teaching could improve student understanding and performance.
The main objective of this study is to investigate and evaluate the
'Impact of the Blended Learning modality in the subject of Physics
at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar in Guayaquil'.
Through a blended approach, data collection and analysis will be
carried out, seeking to understand how the implementation of this
modality influences academic performance, student participation
and student satisfaction in the subject of Physics.
Blended learning is a smart fusion of face-to-face learning and
virtual environments with endless possibilities. With this approach,
in addition to attending face-to-face classes, students can access
online resources, multimedia content and interactive activities to
enrich their learning experience.
The opportunities provided by new technologies can facilitate the
educational process and give you the opportunity to do so, including
new learning environments, such as hybrid learning models.
Technology as seen from a student-centered education model
(Valverde-Berrocoso & Balladares- Burgos, 2017).
Hybrid or blended learning is defined as a combination of face-to-
face and online learning in the same educational environment.
(Montoya, Parra, Lescay, Cabello, & Coloma, 2019).. Another
author mentions that, this learning modality must choose the
appropriate medium respecting each educational need. (Bartolomé,
2004). This model expands formal educational opportunities, makes
students more adaptable to forms of interaction and communication,
and allows better learning through the use of relevant and pertinent
resources throughout the process.
Graham (2006) defines hybrid learning as the convergence of two
typical learning environments, on the one hand, there is the
traditional face-to-face learning environment, which has been used
for centuries. On the other hand, distributed learning environments
have begun to grow and expand exponentially with the expansion of
technological communication and distributed interaction.
For his part, Carman (2002)points out five common elements that
should be present in a hybrid model, related to life events, self-
directed and self-placed learning, collaboration, evaluation and
support materials. Thus, Mejía (2017) states that, in this type of
environment, the central role of the student cannot be forgotten, as
the main protagonist of learning and places the teacher as a
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
facilitator, whose fundamental purpose is to lead the student towards
a comprehensive training, which guarantees the development of their
cognitive skills and the effective use of the technological resources
at their disposal.
Learning theories underpinning B-Learning
The main learning theories that support the B-learning modality are:
Skinner's theory offers three basic elements that as computerized
technologies develop, discriminative stimulus, operant response and
reinforcing stimulus take on new perspectives. Students receive real-
time multimedia feedback on their knowledge through the correct
use of tools. Technology tools are a fundamental support in the
learning of specific and simple skills through positive reinforcement
and repeated trial and error. (Guerrero, 1973).
For David Ausubel, meaningful learning is the immersion in B-
learning strategies, which becomes evident when students develop
interactive multimedia works on the Internet; where they connect
what they have learned with new knowledge... (Camarillo &
Barboza, 2020). (Camarillo & Barboza, 2020).. At the same time,
Brunner's discovery learning can help B-learning when students
learn through videos, documentaries or presentations. This learning
is constructed by students using models and then implementing them
into their cognitive structures as a basis for information processing
(Eleizalde, Parra, Palomino, Reyna, & Trujillo, 2010)..
Piaget's theory stated that a person's psychological abilities are
determined by feelings and perceptions. This is how each student
regulates himself cognitively and is conscious of solutions to
problems. (Piaget, 1977). For Vygotsky, if teachers encourage group
work, the search for information on the Internet and the effective use
of information technologies, this will help in the learning process;
therefore, the construction of knowledge is formalized from the
students' beliefs so that the student initiative becomes the central axis
of their learning. (Vigostky, 1988).
Hybrid learning in the context of higher education
Significant changes are currently taking place in the development of
new approaches in higher education. For Pallisé, Benedí and
Blanché (2013)The Internet and ICTs provide greater opportunities
and greater flexibility in the learning process, where people have
greater access to resources and services and a more convenient place
and time, although it also has a social component. Deficiencies in
this regard may prove to be obstacles to greater learning.
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
The higher education sector, both university and technological, is an
important source for the country's development, so it is its duty to go
hand in hand with the technological transformation process. As
indicated by Martínez (2016)The mission of higher education should
be primarily the search for the development of society and the
cultivation of high quality talents that are involved in society, in a
critical and responsible manner; using scientific research and
supporting information and communication technologies, using
tools for self-management, interaction, communication and
knowledge construction.
There is no doubt that learning takes place not only among the
participants of the educational process in the classroom, in a given
space and time. This process can also take place through the use of
technological tools that allow the configuration of new learning
Application of B-Learning in higher education
Knowledge transfer using the tools provided by information and
communication technologies (ICT) is very common among students
in higher education, but it is not a practice with a single purpose and
competence, because institutions want to use technological tools in
the learning process (Boatto, Flenogio, Bono, & Aguilera, 2021)..
In the case of higher technological education, not all the subjects are
of on-site practice, the basic subjects have a high theoretical
component, which allows them to be adapted to blended learning,
although finally, the acceptance of the modality falls on the student
who must be committed and responsible, working autonomously and
persevering; leaving the face-to-face part for the tutor/teacher to
make an effective feedback and clear the existing doubts.
In this modality, the structure of the virtual classroom is very
important, since it is there where the student will have his or her
autonomous learning path. According to Maureira, Vásquez and
Garrido (2020) the greatest advantage of the face-to-face teaching
model is that it frees teachers and students from the limitations of
time and space. In the B-Learning model, the synchronous
component may have as strategies the debates, workshops or
seminars, where the teacher has control; while, in the asynchronous
ones, the resources should aim at motivating the student to acquire
the main role in his learning process.
B-learning' is an abbreviation of 'Blended learning', and is translated
into Spanish in key terms such as 'blended learning', 'mixed learning'
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
or 'multiple scenarios', and its definition refers to academic contexts
in which face-to-face activities are merged with E-learning, which is
understood as an integrated modality of electronic learning. (Parra,
2008).. This approach aims to identify appropriate ways to meet
training needs by introducing technological tools.
Advantages of B-Learning in the learning process
According to Bello (2013) B-learning has the following advantages:
a) Flexibility: allows students to progress through lessons and
activities at their own pace.
b) Mobility: Students can access courses from anywhere, all they
need is an Internet connection and a desktop, laptop, tablet or
c) Extended Coverage: The tool has no problems when students are
connected at the same time.
d) Efficiency: the student constructs his own learning.
f) Cost savings: Students save costs. Transfers can be made in
addition to travel time in lieu of other academic or personal
g) Diversity of content presentation: Technological tools make it
possible to store different types of information for student use.
i) Interaction: Interaction among students is not lost, thanks to tools
such as chats, mails, others.
Materials and methods
The approach to be used in this study will be the mixed approach.
For Barrantes (2014)this is considered as a process that collects,
analyzes and generates qualitative and quantitative data. This
approach will allow the management of processes that allow a
complete analysis of the impact of the B-learning modality on
performance, satisfaction and participation in Moodle of a group of
ISTSB students.
The design will be non-experimental. According to Kerlinger and
Lee (2002) it allows empirical and systematic inquiry in which the
researcher does not require direct control of the independent
variables. Rather, inferences are made about the relationships
between them. In this case, what is required is to know in a complete
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
way how the b-learning modality has influenced the learning of
Physics in ISTSB students.
The study will be transversal. For Tamayo (2003) this allows the
collection of data in a single period of time, its objective is to
describe and analyze the variables at a given time. In this research,
the academic period IS 2023 will be taken into account, which was
developed from May to September.
The ADDIE Scientific Method, which according to (Castellano &
Rocha, 2020) is an instructional design model used to develop online
learning courses. ADDIE is an acronym that stands for Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, its
usefulness in the educational field is to guide the design process of
online learning courses and can be adapted to different teaching
modalities, including the Blended Learning modality.
The case study method is used to understand in depth a particular
phenomenon or situation, through detailed description and analysis
of the data collected, it focuses on a specific case to explore complex
and subjective issues that cannot be measured or quantified (Morán
, 2018). In this study, the grade records and statistics on student
participation provided by the Moodle platform will be analyzed in
order to cross-check this information with the results of the
participant satisfaction survey.
By means of the survey, which for Sampieri (2014) is a fundamental
tool in quantitative research that is used to obtain structured data
through specific questions addressed to a sample of people for the
purpose of measuring variables, evaluating attitudes or opinions, and
performing statistical analyses to obtain conclusions. The survey
consists of 14 questions, 10 of which present options according to
the Likert scale and 4 are open-ended.
Convenience sampling, also known as non-probability sampling, is
a selection method in which the elements of the sample are chosen
because of their availability and convenience for the researcher,
instead of being selected randomly or following some rigorous
probabilistic process. (Barrantes, 2014). In the case of the students,
it should be noted that the total number of students enrolled was 32
and those who passed the course were 19.
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
The sample of students participating in this research corresponds to
89.15% of the age range of 18-30 years and 10.5% of the age range
of 31-50 years. Of these, 63.2% were male and 36.8% female.
Regarding familiarity with technology, 15.8% indicated a VERY
HIGH level, 31.66% HIGH, 42.1% MEDIUM and 10.5% LOW.
Regarding previous experience with B-Learning, 57.9% indicated
SOME experience, 21.1% LITTLE and 15.8% NONE.
Regarding Academic Performance, it is evident that 89.47% of the
students obtained a qualitatively evaluated score as VERY GOOD;
10.53%, GOOD. This indicates that the former master the learning
of the subject of Physics and that the latter achieve the learning. This
is consistent with their degree of satisfaction, since 57.9% are
Regarding the competencies, 52.6% of the students indicated that
their understanding of concepts was SATISFACTORY, 15.8%
VERY SATISFACTORY and 31.6% NEUTRAL. Achieving that
78.4 % of the students indicate that the Physics concepts have been
better understood thanks to the B-Learning modality.
With respect to the ICT resources, 68.4% rated it as
NEUTRAL. A total of 89.5% of those surveyed said that the
reinforcement was positive. In addition, the most used resources
were workshops (47.4%), evaluations (36.8%) and videos (15.8%).
Regarding Methodology, 47.4% of those surveyed prefer the
LEARNING and 26.3%, NO PREFERENCE. Despite the positive
impact on the use of resources to promote teaching and learning
processes, the majority of students prefer this subject to be taught in
face-to-face mode.
The study conducted to evaluate the impact of the b-learning
modality in a group of students of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior
Simón Bolívar in the city of Guayaquil reveals important findings.
Through data analysis, it has been shown that the implementation of
this teaching modality in the subject of Physics has had a positive
impact on the students' learning process.
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
Students' positive perception of the hybrid model leads to the belief
that the integration of ICT in the learning process and the
development of coherent strategies correspond to current forms of
interaction and communication and expand the traditionally limited
educational experience of students, given by the traditional face-to-
face modality.
The resources used in the Physics course allowed students to become
more involved in the subject, which is reflected in their academic
performance. The MOODLE platform was integrated into this
hybrid education proposal to provide students with greater
motivation and engagement in the construction of knowledge.
Despite the fact that most of the students prefer face-to-face
teaching, they highlighted the teacher's skills in handling the hybrid
modality. This is conceived as an opportunity for the Learning Plans
to gradually insert a greater amount of digital resources to be applied
in student-centered learning activities that combine the virtual and
face-to-face instances.
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