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Sinergias educativas
July - Septiembre Vol. 9 - 3 - 2024
eISSN: 2661-6661
Page 1-12
Received: March 04 , 2024
Approved: June 12 , 202
Youth Participation in Museums for
Cultural and Artistic Development in
La Participación Juvenil en Museos para el desarrollo
cultural y artístico en Guayaquil
Ana Luisa Löpez Brunett
Génesis Asunción
The study aims to compare the perspectives of different authors on
the participation of young people in Guayaquil in artistic activities
and visits to museums. A comprehensive approach combining
qualitative and quantitative methods was used, using a representative
sample of theses and scientific papers, together with documentary
review techniques and data collection sheets. In conclusion, the
analysis showed that in order to increase youth participation in
Guayaquil's museums and promote their cultural and artistic
development, it is crucial to address the challenges identified by
several authors through promotion and dissemination strategies,
taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital world.
Keywords: Artistic, Development, Cultural, Young people,
Msc. Instituto Superior Universitario Espiritu Santo,
Msc. Instituto Superior Universitario Espiritu Santo, Ecuador,,
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
El estudio tiene como objetivo comparar las perspectivas de
diferentes autores sobre la participación de los jóvenes de Guayaquil
en actividades artísticas y visitas a museos. Se utilizó un enfoque
integral que combinó métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos, utilizando
una muestra representativa de tesis y documentos científicos, junto
con técnicas de revisión documental y fichas de recolección de
información. En conclusión, el análisis demostró que para
incrementar la participación juvenil en los museos de Guayaquil y
promover su desarrollo cultural y artístico, es crucial abordar los
desafíos identificados por varios autores mediante estrategias de
promoción y difusión, aprovechando las oportunidades ofrecidas por
el mundo digital.
Palabras clave: Artística, Desarrollo, Cultural, Jóvenes, Guayaquil
Before going into the analysis of youth participation in museums for
cultural and artistic development in Guayaquil, it is essential to
contextualise the cultural panorama of the city. Guayaquil, being one
of Ecuador's main urban centres, is home to a rich cultural diversity
ranging from its historical heritage to contemporary expressions of
art and culture. However, despite this richness, there is a gap in the
active participation of youth in the local cultural scene, reflected in
the low number of young visitors to museums and cultural events.
In this sense, it is imperative to understand the crucial role that
museums play as spaces of encounter, learning and reflection for
young people in Guayaquil. These spaces not only preserve and
exhibit the city's cultural heritage, but also offer opportunities for
artistic exploration, intercultural dialogue and identity building. The
active participation of youth in museums not only enriches their own
cultural and artistic development, but also contributes to
strengthening the social fabric and fostering a more informed
citizenry committed to their cultural environment.
The lack of interest of young Guayaquileños in the art and culture of
their city poses a significant problem in the cultural context of
Guayaquil. This phenomenon manifests itself in a lack of active
participation in cultural activities, such as visits to museums,
attendance at artistic events or involvement in community cultural
projects. This lack of interest can be attributed to a variety of reasons,
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
including the predominance of a consumerist and superficial
entertainment culture, the lack of economic accessibility to cultural
events and the absence of a comprehensive arts and humanities
education in the educational system.
The formulation of the problem lies in understanding the underlying
causes behind the low interest of young Guayaquileños in the arts
and culture of their city, as well as identifying the specific difficulties
they face in developing a deeper cultural appreciation. These
difficulties include the lack of resources and educational
programmes that promote knowledge and appreciation of local art
and culture, as well as the influence of external factors such as the
predominance of globalised popular culture and the lack of cultural
role models within the youth community. Understanding these
difficulties is crucial to designing effective strategies to foster
greater participation and cultural appreciation among young people
in Guayaquil.
Conduct a comparative study of various authors who have addressed
the degree of involvement of young people in the city of Guayaquil
in the artistic sphere and their participation in museum visits. This
can reveal nuances and dimensions that might go unnoticed if only
one source of information is considered. Furthermore, by contrasting
the opinions and findings of different authors, common patterns,
discrepancies and areas of convergence can be identified, which
enriches the research and provides a more solid basis for formulating
The study is justified by the need to understand in depth the cultural
dynamics of Guayaquil's youth in relation to the city's art and
cultural heritage. This comparative analysis offers a unique
opportunity to discern the factors that influence youth participation
in artistic and cultural activities, as well as to identify possible
barriers that may hinder their involvement in the museum field.
The relevance of this study lies in its potential to inform and guide
cultural policies and strategies aimed at fostering the active
participation of young people in the artistic and museum sphere in
Guayaquil. Ultimately, this study will not only contribute to the
advancement of knowledge in the field of culture and education, but
could also have a significant impact on the cultural and social
development of Guayaquil.
The how of this study implies a methodical and rigorous approach,
where previous research and studies carried out by different authors
will be compiled and analysed from a critical and reflexive
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
perspective. A process of selection of relevant and representative
sources will be carried out, followed by a systematic comparison of
each author's findings, methodologies and conclusions. This
meticulous approach will ensure the reliability and validity of the
results obtained, as well as objectivity in the interpretation of the data
The role of the arts in education arises from the context, highlighting
the intention to use arts instruction as a tool to foster understanding,
transformation and integration. In this way, the arts assist us in
interpreting culture in diverse settings, both verbally and visually
(Mariño, M. 2021).
Arts instruction is not only limited to transmitting knowledge about
techniques and forms of expression, but also acts as a powerful tool
for exploring and understanding the world around us. In this sense,
the arts offer us the opportunity to interpret culture in its many facets,
whether through visual or verbal language. By integrating the arts
into education, a more complete and meaningful learning is
promoted, which not only enriches students' educational experience,
but also provides them with skills to understand and actively
participate in the society in which they live.
As cited by Anchundia, H., & Schoenfeld, A. (2023), with regard to
growth in the artistic domain, the process of acquiring knowledge
about different forms of artistic expression enhances fundamental
cognitive skills, such as conditioned reasoning and the ability to
mentally organise creative problem solving in everyday life,
generating a long-term impact.
When addressing the field of cultural education, it is commonly
argued that in an environment characterised by an overabundance of
visual stimuli, it is essential to foster a critical attitude towards
images (Fajardo, J., & Chin, L. 2021). By cultivating critical
thinking, young people become more aware of the different cultural
and social perspectives expressed through art, allowing them to
enrich their own sense of identity and understanding of the world
around them. Principle of the form
Inquiring about young people's participation in cultural activities and
visits to museums, leads us to ask ourselves what we know about the
motivations of the new generations for culture, according to Antoine,
C., & Carmona, J. (2015), the predominant perception about the
relationship between young audiences and museums focuses on the
idea of disappointment, where it is believed that young people find
it boring to visit these spaces. This view is followed by an ideological
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
assumption that is presented as an established truth, i.e. the notion
that going to the museum will contribute to their education and
cultural knowledge. However, these views stand above detailed
research that sheds light on young people's precise relationship with
cultural objects, practices and institutions, such as books,
participation in cultural activities and museums themselves.
For Robles, A. (2017), it is crucial to bring together both museums
and the public, particularly children and young people. This
partnership has been examined for several decades and, moreover,
contributes to an effective management of the museum offer,
including its promotion, which will surely increase the number of
visitors, especially those interested in the cultural offer provided.
Ochoa, L. (2008), believes that all museums, especially those of an
anthropological nature that I have analysed here, are politically
charged because they deal with contents and values linked to specific
perspectives of society, human evolution and the development of
nations or communities. These contents can rarely be separated from
ideology and have a significant impact on the formation of
imaginaries and subjectivities, be they national, ethnic, gender, class
or other.
In order to capture the attention of children and young people,
museums are becoming spaces where non-formal cultural and
educational work is developed, which is entertaining and dynamic,
and which complements or surpasses the teaching given in the
classroom. Tovar, C. (2019), mentions that this does not mean that a
relationship should not be established between these two educational
institutions. In fact, it would be beneficial that before the visit,
teachers and museum monitors design educational and recreational
projects, which would undoubtedly enrich both parties and, above
all, benefit the students.
Proposals such as those of Mendoza, M. (2022), highlight the
relevance of technology as a source of advanced innovations, as well
as mentioning the availability of digital information as a means of
dynamically promoting the development of digital citizenship. This
implies involving children and young people actively and
collaboratively in the construction of an online society based on
ethical principles.
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
Materials and methods
To investigate this study, a process was designed to integrate both
qualitative and quantitative approaches (Babativa, C. 2017). The
qualitative research focused on understanding young people's
perceptions, experiences and motivations in relation to visiting
museums, while the quantitative research provided numerical data
on the frequency and type of participation of young people in cultural
activities (Bejarano, M. 2016).
The sample used in this study consisted of a wide range of thesis
studies and scientific papers related to youth participation in
museums and cultural development in Guayaquil. Research that
specifically addressed the topic and provided relevant information
for the research objectives was carefully selected, and the search not
only took data from young people in the city of Guayaquil, but also
from other provinces, which serves as a counterpart for the results
both in the city and in other regions of the country.
The main technique employed was the documentary review, which
involved the exhaustive and systematic collection of information
from existing studies, research reports, academic articles and other
relevant documents (Blanco, G., & Mesa, B. 2022). This technique
allowed us to obtain an overview of previous research on the topic,
as well as to identify patterns, trends and gaps in knowledge.
For data collection, data collection sheets were developed that
included specific categories related to youth participation in
museums, such as frequency of visits, thematic preferences and
perceived benefits. These sheets provided an organised structure for
recording and analysing the data collected during the desk review,
thus facilitating the comparison and synthesis of information
obtained from different sources.
The results of this process highlight the need to promote the museum
as a tourist attraction of cultural importance. From a professional
point of view, it is recommended to promote this place through
advertising in digital media and social networks, given that the
majority of the population currently uses these platforms. Of the 112
respondents in the study by Acosta, J. (2022), 43.8% indicated that
they would occasionally recommend the popular music museum,
39.3% stated that they would do so usually, while 10.7% mentioned
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that they would do so almost always. Only 6.2% indicated that they
would almost never suggest it.
Factors such as cultural globalisation, migration, marketing and
media have a strong influence. The finding of González, Y. (2015),
is worrying, as it reveals that a percentage of the population shows
no interest in visiting museums and does not know how many there
are in the city. With the omnipresence of the internet, there are
currently two types of societies: the real society and the virtual
society, where reality is increasingly lived virtually, gradually
leaving many places empty.
In this study, of the 69 respondents representing 77% of the
participants who are in favour of linking museum activities with
schools, 54% consider that it would definitely be a direct method of
learning. All results related to this question were positive, with an
additional 23% expressing that they would find it novel and that it
would help them to better remember information taught in class.
Suárez, P. (2020), in his study on the Strengthening and
diversification of tourism offerings based on underestimated cultural
assets and spaces, the case of the museum and municipal library of
Santa Elena canton, findings indicated that the Museum houses a
wide range of valuable objects. However, surveys revealed that both
tourists and local residents are unaware of the place and do not visit
it. Therefore, the importance of preserving the cultural richness of
St. Helena is highlighted. According to those interviewed, most
tourists choose to visit the province of Santa Elena mainly for its
beaches, such as those of Salinas, La Libertad and the Spondylus
Route. Among these, Montañita stands out as a favourite destination
for foreign tourists, who usually come with family and friends to
enjoy the local gastronomy by the sea.
The study conducted by Cisneros, A., et al. (2021) on the Visitor
Experience of the Presley Norton Museum in the city of Guayaquil
revealed that 53.9% of the 385 young respondents are not familiar
with the institution. In addition, 44.1% cited lack of time as a reason
for not visiting, highlighting the difficulties of communication
between the museum and the public.
According to the findings of the study by Díaz, S. & Fiallos, D.
(2022), which focused on young people's digital activity on
museums during the COVID-19 confinement, it was observed that
the Museo Nacional del Prado experienced a 15% increase in its
followers on social networks, with a 37% increase in visits to its
website. During the month of April, the online audience increased
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by 25% compared to March, surpassing 12 million visitors during
the entire confinement period.
The analysis of the study conducted by Acosta, J. (2022), reveals that
there is significant variability in the respondents' answers regarding
the recommendation of the museum of popular music. It is observed
that a considerable part of the participants would be willing to
recommend the museum at different levels of frequency, from
occasionally to almost always. However, a minority is also identified
as showing little interest in making recommendations about the
museum. This pattern of responses suggests a diversity of attitudes
and perceptions among respondents towards the popular music
museum, which could be indicative of the need to implement
promotion and dissemination strategies to increase its visibility and
The analysis provided by González, Y. (2015), underlines a
significant concern regarding the lack of interest of part of the
population in visiting museums and their lack of knowledge about
the cultural offer of the city. This phenomenon could indicate a
growing disconnection between the community and cultural heritage
spaces. Furthermore, the reference to the real and virtual society
highlights an emerging dynamic in which experience is increasingly
shifting to the virtual realm, which could have negative implications
for the preservation and appreciation of tangible cultural heritage.
The transition to a society where reality is largely experienced
through virtual means could contribute to the gradual emptying of
physical places of cultural significance, highlighting the importance
of addressing these challenges in the current context.
Analysis by Suárez, P. (2020), highlights the disconnection of both
tourists and local residents with this important cultural heritage. In
addition, it is noted that young people also show a lack of interest in
visiting such spaces, which could further contribute to their
underestimation and lack of recognition. Despite the wide variety of
valuable objects housed in the museum, the lack of awareness and
visits highlights the urgency of actions to preserve St. Helena's
cultural richness and promote greater awareness and appreciation of
its heritage among the population, including youth. Meanwhile, the
preference of tourists for local beaches, especially destinations such
as Montañita, underlines the need to diversify tourism options and
highlight the cultural offer to attract a wider public and promote a
more sustainable and enriching tourism.
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
For Cisneros, A., et al. (2021) the museum faces challenges in
disseminating its offer and connecting with this key demographic
segment. It also highlights that a considerable proportion of
respondents identified lack of time as a barrier to visiting the
museum, which points to the need to implement strategies to make
visiting the museum more accessible and convenient for the general
public. This difficulty in communication between the museum and
the public reflects the importance of improving information and
promotion channels to encourage greater participation and
engagement with the cultural institution.
Authors such as Díaz, S. & Fiallos, D. (2022), examined the digital
activity of young people in relation to museums during the COVID-
19 confinement, this, highlights the significant impact that the
pandemic had on online behaviour. It is remarkable how the Museo
Nacional del Prado managed to take advantage of this situation,
registering a notable increase in both the number of followers on
social networks and visits to its website. This increase in online
audiences during the month of April, especially compared to the
previous month, demonstrates how the pandemic prompted people
to seek out cultural experiences online as a way to compensate for
the lack of access to physical spaces during the confinement.
This contrast with other countries highlights the adaptive capacity of
some cultural institutions to respond to the challenges left by the
pandemic and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the
digital environment to reach new audiences and maintain
engagement with their audiences, even in times of crisis, creating an
opportunity for this to be applied in other types of countries such as
To further explore the issue of youth participation in museums for
cultural and artistic development in Guayaquil, new questions arise
that could guide future studies. For example, what are the specific
barriers faced by young people in Guayaquil to actively participate
in cultural and artistic activities in museums? How can museums
better adapt to the preferences and interests of Guayaquil's youth to
encourage their participation? Furthermore, what is the impact of
digital access to museum collections on youth participation and how
can it be improved? Another relevant question is how can museums
collaborate with educational and community institutions to more
effectively engage young people in their programmes and
exhibitions? These questions offer a direction for future research and
can provide valuable information for designing more effective
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 9 – 3 - 2024
strategies to promote greater youth participation in Guayaquil's
Acosta, J. (2022). El Museo Municipal de música popular de Julio
Jaramillo como atractivo turístico de la ciudad de
Guayaquil (Bachelor's thesis, BABAHOYO: UTB, 2022).
Recuperado de:
Anchundia, H., & Schoenfeld, A. (2023). El desarrollo artístico y su
influencia en el proceso emocional de niñez y adolescencia
en casas de acogida de Guayaquil, 2020. Revista Científica y
Arbitrada de Ciencias Sociales y Trabajo Social: Tejedora.
ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 116-134.
Antoine, C., & Carmona, J. (2015). Museos y jóvenes: entre la
incomprensión y el desencanto. Percepciones y argumentos
juveniles sobre el consumo cultural de museos en Chile. Arte,
Individuo y Sociedad, 27(2), 227-242. Recuperado de:
Babativa, C. (2017). Investigación cuantitativa. Recuperado de:
Bejarano, M. (2016). La investigación cualitativa. INNOVA
Research Journal, 1(2), 1-9. Recuperado de:
Blanco, G., & Mesa, B. (2022). Revisión documental como
alternativa en la práctica docente. In Libro de Actas del 2. º