Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
navigation); (2) Reading technology (reading applications,
technological resources at school, technological resources used at
home); (3) Evaluation (frequency of use of reading skills, types of
reading evaluation, digital activities); (4) Reading habit.
The second form of data collection was through observation, for
which the students' attitudes and aptitudes were recorded in the
observation form when the four reading observations were carried
out. Two of them were done using educational applications to
promote the reading habit and two in the classroom when reading
without educational applications. Through observation, the students'
behavior was systematically recorded when they presented different
behaviors, reactions to reading, and reactions to reading.
Phase II. Identification of methodological strategies used by
The survey technique was used to identify the methodological
strategies used by teachers for the development of reading
competence, and the questionnaire was designed and validated and
applied to 30 teachers. The application of data collection instruments
was carried out by means of an electronic form, data were collected
for academic purposes, which were tabulated, processed and
analyzed by means of a descriptive analysis in relation to this
population. The structure of the questionnaires consisted basically of
single-choice and multiple-choice questions with a Likert scale, and
they are of a descriptive-qualitative type. By measuring the
perceptions of the population, we sought to determine whether
teachers perceive technology as a viable option for the development
of the reading habit. The questionnaire contained 9 questions
catalogued in three dimensions. Each question was made up of items
and response options. Based on the judgment of two experts, who
validated the instrument, the respective modifications were made,
limiting the suggestions and observations.
Phase III. Design of the didactic program with innovative strategies
Five applications have been considered for the design of the
resources: Wordwall, Genially, Live Worksheets, YouTube, Kahoot.
These tools were selected because they are versatile for teachers to
design activities, easy to create, use audiovisual media, facilitate the
reading of texts, etc. All of them can be accessed through Google
Chrome, a browser familiar to the students. Additionally, these
applications required image files, voice and PDF documents, where
the required information was previously recorded or designed. After
that, the information was loaded in the applications, and tests were
made with students, in order to review its operation, and proceeded