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Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1 - 2024
eISSN: 2661-6661
Page 52-81
Received: June 02 , 2023
Approved: October 30 , 2023
Didactic program with innovative
strategies mediated by the use of ICT for
the development of the reading habit in
students of the second year of General
Basic Education.
Programa didáctico con estrategias innovadoras
mediado por el uso de las TIC para el desarrollo del
hábito lector en estudiantes de segundo año de
Educación General Básica
Yolanda Cecilia Guiz Rosero
Ember Geovanny Zumba Novay
Alexandra Patricia Mafla Martinez
Patricia Pilar Moyota Amaguaya
The promotion of the reading habit is a crucial issue for educational
development and success. Few teachers use digital strategies to
enrich reading, which means that students have little developed this
habit. The objective of this article is to propose a didactic program
with innovative strategies mediated by the use of ICT for the
development of the reading habit in students in the second year of
elementary general basic education at the "Hermano Miguel" - La
Salle -Tulcán Physical-Missional Educational Unit. The research
approach was mixed, descriptive, field and documentary. A survey
Teacher - Researcher at Universidad Politécnica
Estatal del Carchi (UPEC)
Teacher - Researcher at Escuela Superior Politécnica
de Chimborazo (ESPOCH),
Teacher - Researcher at Universidad Politécnica
Estatal del Carchi (UPEC), Av.
Teacher - Researcher at Escuela Superior Politécnica
de Chimborazo (ESPOCH),
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
was applied to 30 teachers and an observation form to 30 students.
The results indicated that the digital strategies used by the teachers
of the Educational Unit are scarce and the development of the
reading habit is also irrelevant. The observation made to the students
showed that they do not have the reading habit. In view of this, a
didactic program was proposed with innovative strategies mediated
by the use of ICT, for the development of the reading habit in
students, thus promoting the improvement of reading skills.
Keywords: Gamification intervention, game elements, playful
challenges, branching system, planning.
El fomento del hábito lector es un tema crucial para el desarrollo y
éxito educativo. Son escasos los docentes que usan estrategias
digitales para enriquecer la lectura, lo que trae como consecuencia
que los estudiantes tienen poco desarrollado este hábito. El presente
artículo tiene como objetivo proponer un programa didáctico con
estrategias innovadoras mediado por el uso de las TIC para el
desarrollo el hábito lector en estudiantes de Segundo de Educación
General Básica Elemental en la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional
“Hermano Miguel” – La Salle -Tulcán. El enfoque investigativo fue
mixto, de tipo descriptiva, de campo y documental. Se aplicó una
encuesta a 30 docentes y ficha de observación a 30 estudiantes. Los
resultados indicaron que las estrategias digitales empleadas por los
docentes de la Unidad Educativa son escasas y el desarrollo del
hábito lector de igual manera es irrelevante. La observación
realizada a los estudiantes demostró que no tienen el hábito lector.
Ante ello se propuso un programa didáctico con estrategias
innovadoras mediado por el uso de las TIC, para el desarrollo del
hábito lector en estudiantes promoviendo así la mejora de
habilidades lectoras.
Palabras clave: Intervención de gamificación, elementos del juego,
retos lúdicos, sistema ramificado, planeación.
The challenge of reading is not limited to current times; its roots
extend to earlier times. Specifically, on April 22, 2013, the National
Institute of Statistics and Census, INEC, released a report stating that
five out of 10 Ecuadorians spend at least one hour per week reading
(Ripalda et al., 2020). Reports from the Program for International
Student Assessment 2018 (PISA-D) (Pacher, 2021), the National
Institute for Educational Evaluation [INEVAL] (Fajardo and
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
Valverde, 2019) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development [OECD], coincide in their observations regarding
reading that in Ecuador, 49% of students have a minimum level of
proficiency in reading, where girls exhibit 8 points more than boys
(Mantilla and Barrera, 2021) (Vélez-Sabando and Macías-Loor,
2022). Donoso (2021), supports that socio-educational inequalities
is one of the main reasons for low scores.
In the La Salle Educational Unit in the city of Tulcán, Ecuador, the
PISA-D test reports revealed that 25% of students achieve basic
skills in the subject of language. However, Mora and Gaona (2021)
emphasize that greater efforts are needed in the processes of reading
and writing, reading habits, personal and academic development of
students. In previous years, reading and the formation of the reading
habit of students was affected by the administrative load of teachers.
This caused a reduction in teaching time and negative impacts.
Teachers had to keep documentation and evidence up to date. Faced
with this scenario, the reform of the Organic Law of Intercultural
Education (LOEI, 2021) and the signing of ministerial agreements
reduced administrative tasks, thus giving teachers back their leading
role in the classroom.
This research study originates in the experiences of teachers. One of
its primary motivations lies in exploring options to encourage the
pleasure of reading among students at an early age. Fajardo and
Valverde (2019) mention that the reading habit is nothing more than
the self-interest generated by the subject for reading on a regular
From the above background, the research problem emerges: How
does a didactic program with innovative strategies mediated by the
use of ICTs help the development of the reading habit in students of
the second year of General Basic Education (EGB) in the Unidad
Educativa Fiscomisional Hermano Miguel - La Salle, during the
school year 2022 - 2023?
While it is true that the Ecuadorian state, through different programs,
has wanted to develop the reading habit, however, they have not had
the expected results. For this reason, a proposal has been developed
based on the educational task and considering the reality of the
educational unit. The objective of this article is to propose a didactic
program with innovative strategies mediated by the use of ICT for
the development of the reading habit in students.
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
Materials and methods
The Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Hermano Miguel - La Salle
belongs to the parish of Tulcán, in the canton of Tulcán, province of
Carchi. It is located on 10 de Agosto Street and is currently part of
Zone 1, (Educational District 04D01 San Pedro de Huaca - Tulcán),
belonging to Circuit 04D01C02-05-06-08. It is made up of 1300
students, 60 teachers, 3 administrative and 3 support staff from the
Student Counseling Department.
The methodology of this study responds to a mixed approach with a
descriptive type of research since it was necessary to describe the
influence of different methodological strategies used by teachers in
the formation of the student reading profile. It was also framed in a
documentary research because documents and regulations issued by
the Ministry of Education, the National Curriculum with emphasis
on competencies 2021, the Institutional Educational Plan (PEI), the
school's reading plan and evaluation reports were analyzed.
The selected population comprised 30 students of the second year of
EGB, of parallel "A" with ages between 6 and 7 years old. In
addition, there were 30 teachers, women and men of different ages,
with different levels of experience and lengths of service, who work
in the second year of GBS due to the nature of their contract,
appointment and training.
Phase I. Development of reading skills in students
To address this phase, it was necessary to prepare the questionnaire
that was applied to second grade EGB students, and the observation
sheet to record actions related to reading. The questionnaire was
designed and validated by two experts who certified its viability.
Four non-participant observations were made to the group of
students during the month of January 2023 and during class hours.
In order to execute the survey in the group of students, the respective
adaptations were made to their age of development. Printed
questionnaires with questions and suitable possibilities and images
were used, in addition to the development of the reading competence
in process, with the use of iconography and images. The anonymous
questionnaire was applied to students of second grade EGB, parallel
"A". A pilot test was previously applied, which allowed modifying
the vocabulary of the questions to make them clearer. Even images
were incorporated to pictographically associate the answer options,
since this type of language is a domain for children of these ages.
The questions evaluated four dimensions: (1) Resources
(technological resources, resources available at home and Internet
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
navigation); (2) Reading technology (reading applications,
technological resources at school, technological resources used at
home); (3) Evaluation (frequency of use of reading skills, types of
reading evaluation, digital activities); (4) Reading habit.
The second form of data collection was through observation, for
which the students' attitudes and aptitudes were recorded in the
observation form when the four reading observations were carried
out. Two of them were done using educational applications to
promote the reading habit and two in the classroom when reading
without educational applications. Through observation, the students'
behavior was systematically recorded when they presented different
behaviors, reactions to reading, and reactions to reading.
Phase II. Identification of methodological strategies used by
The survey technique was used to identify the methodological
strategies used by teachers for the development of reading
competence, and the questionnaire was designed and validated and
applied to 30 teachers. The application of data collection instruments
was carried out by means of an electronic form, data were collected
for academic purposes, which were tabulated, processed and
analyzed by means of a descriptive analysis in relation to this
population. The structure of the questionnaires consisted basically of
single-choice and multiple-choice questions with a Likert scale, and
they are of a descriptive-qualitative type. By measuring the
perceptions of the population, we sought to determine whether
teachers perceive technology as a viable option for the development
of the reading habit. The questionnaire contained 9 questions
catalogued in three dimensions. Each question was made up of items
and response options. Based on the judgment of two experts, who
validated the instrument, the respective modifications were made,
limiting the suggestions and observations.
Phase III. Design of the didactic program with innovative strategies
Five applications have been considered for the design of the
resources: Wordwall, Genially, Live Worksheets, YouTube, Kahoot.
These tools were selected because they are versatile for teachers to
design activities, easy to create, use audiovisual media, facilitate the
reading of texts, etc. All of them can be accessed through Google
Chrome, a browser familiar to the students. Additionally, these
applications required image files, voice and PDF documents, where
the required information was previously recorded or designed. After
that, the information was loaded in the applications, and tests were
made with students, in order to review its operation, and proceeded
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
to copy links, make screenshots and connect with the pedagogical
part, explaining its operation, interdisciplinarity and flexibility
(information not shown).
The present research shows that teachers prefer traditional activities
and resources. The use of technology is not frequent, and students
consider that they spend more time using technological devices at
home than at school. Even teachers do not use cell phones,
computers or tablets. Accompaniment also plays a crucial role in the
formation of the reading habit, and it is possible to achieve this
through good practices and technological alternatives.
These practices should awaken motivation in children. According to
the students' opinion, the activities in which reading skills are used
are limited to homework. Fun and enjoyment take a back seat, and
the use of applications on computers or cell phones is not common.
Although technology offers the possibility of overcoming barriers of
time and place, it is necessary for resources to be used outside of
school for their own motivation and by regulating their regular use.
In addition, it is highlighted that students mainly use YouTube
videos shared through WhatsApp as a technological resource, which
coincides with the students' observations. These platforms represent
the highest percentages in terms of their use. Students do not
perceive reading as an activity intended for leisure or free time.
Therefore, the program should consider the use of technology as an
opportunity to increase motivation in these times and spaces.
The teaching staff considers the lack of resources as the biggest
problem in promoting reading. However, it is also demonstrated that
no activities have been created for students to do at home and take
advantage of the available resources. It is important to highlight that
the program should facilitate the understanding of how to connect
academic activities with reading technologies. Teacher training
should address the design of resources and the management of
applications to create digital strategies, since teachers often resort to
the same usual strategies to promote reading.
Based on the survey conducted, we have seen the need to propose a
program that is review material for teachers, as an alternative to form
the reading profile of students. The promotion of reading through
technology has been a neglected topic in the Educational Unit
studied, which is why we want to give an answer to the challenges
faced by our modern society in terms of decreasing reading levels
and increasing use of electronic devices.
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
In recent years, numerous applications and digital platforms
designed specifically to promote reading have been developed.
These tools offer a wide range of functionalities, but have not been
efficiently explored by the school. For this reason, we intend to make
technology available, adapting e-books enriched with multimedia
elements, such as interactive images, videos and audios, which
provide a more immersive and engaging reading experience,
especially for children.
Table 1. Operating Model
30 min
Record of
60 min
The structure of the program has considered: reading objectives,
reading habit development objectives, evaluation indicators and
criteria, activities and resources adapted as digital material to
promote the reading habit, skills to be developed, descriptions of the
applications used, incorporation of the methodology,
recommendations for their use, adaptation, modification or updating,
and examples.
Table 2. Description of indicators
To whom?
Number of
students with
reading habits
Number of students motivated by
independent reading.
Significant increase in evaluation
results, visible in reports.
Sinergias educativas
January - March Vol. 9 - 1- 2024
What for?
Improves the families' perception
of the school, improves the
Number of books read, use of
free time for reading seen as fun.
Number of teachers trained,
introducing technology in the
School year
2022 - 2023.
Program relevance for other
groups and school years.
Use of the program by teachers.
Number of adapted activities.
Use of technology in evaluation.
With what?
Number of devices created.
Number of resources used at
home and at school.
spaces for
Places adapted for reading.
Number of classrooms that offer
Table 3. Session 1 of the proposal
Session 1. I dare you to guess.
Construct sentence meanings from object-attribute relationships
through interactive educational applications. Ref. LL.2.3.1.
Description - a riddle.
Strategies for learning