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Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
eISSN: 2661-6661
Page 123-132
Received: May 23 , 2023
Approved: June 30 , 2023
The role of the teacher and parents as
guides in the learning process of students
with educational needs
El rol del docente y padres de familia como
orientadores en el proceso de aprendizaje de
estudiantes con necesidades educativas
Zenaida Estefania Garcia Alcivar
Gleenda Aida Patiño Guzmán
Gardenia Leonor González Orbea
In this context, the purpose of this article is, firstly, to make a
personal reflection on the actions taken in the role of a teacher in
front of a group of students and to detail the actions taken together
with the parents. Secondly, based on the reflection that was made, a
proposal of simple activities to improve the school guidance
processes is presented. In order to fulfill the main purpose, a
documented review was made, as well as the use of additional
bibliography that compiles the relevant aspects in guidance for
children or students with educational needs (SEN), or simply to
improve the learning conditions of the students.
Keywords: teacher, parent, educational needs, educational needs
* MSc. Ecotec, Guayaquil Ecuador,
* MSc. Ecotec, Guayaquil Ecuador, 4892
* MSc. Ecotec, Guayaquil Ecuador,
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
En ese contexto el presente artículo tiene como propósito; en primer
lugar, realizar una reflexión personal en cuanto a las acciones
tomadas en el rol de docente frente a un grupo de estudiantes y se
detallan las acciones en conjunto tomadas con los padres de familia.
En segundo lugar, en función de la reflexión que se realizó, se
presenta una propuesta de actividades sencillas para encaminar la
mejora en los procesos de orientación escolar. Para cumplir con el
propósito principal se hizo una revisión documentada, además el uso
de bibliografía adicional que recopilen los aspectos relevantes en la
orientación para niños o estudiantes con necesidades educativas
(NEE.), o simplemente que permita mejorar las condiciones de
aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
Palabras clave: docente, padre de familia, necesidades educativas
In recent times, we are witnessing a social, political, economic and
cultural transformation that is having an impact on educational
institutions. From being a place limited exclusively to the
transmission of content, the school has now become a place that must
train for life. Faced with such a change in perspective, both the
family and the school must redefine their roles. In coherence with
the above, it becomes necessary to establish a dialogue between the
various socializing agents (school-family-society) in order to
achieve a common goal: the integral development of the student
body (Parody , Santos , Fernández, & Alarcón, 2019).
The Declaration of Human Rights states that "education shall be
directed to the full development of the human personality and to the
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms; it shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship
among all nations, racial or religious groups" (United Nations,
1999); to this end, four basic characteristics are defined: availability,
accessibility, acceptability and adaptability.
(UNESCO 2006) conceives "Education as a factor of cohesion as
long as it considers the diversity of individuals and human groups
and avoids being a factor of social exclusion". When we talk about
educational inclusion, we are aware of the respect that must be
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
shown at all times for the differences that students may have and the
responsibility that EI has to make them an opportunity for
educational development, participation and learning.
(Montero, 2017), "The teacher must be responsible for transmitting
to each of his students the joy and the necessary desire to enjoy the
activity and acquire the knowledge that is traced for the activity",
although it is true that the teacher must be prepared to work with
SEN students, They receive guidelines from professionals in
educational needs, they take ownership of what they do, giving their
best, showing predisposition, enthusiasm, enthusiasm and giving
their all in the classroom.
In this sense, the teacher is the main part of the educational
evolution, since he has the commitment to identify the techniques
that can be used in the classroom for teaching and learning, and thus
guide them in the best way without excluding anyone, because many
students have learning problems, especially in the area of
mathematics, usually due to lack of memory attention, lack of
retention, dyscalculia, and other times due to family or personal
problems, and also due to lack of educational resources or inadequate
methodologies during teaching.
According to the author (López, 2021) indicates "that one of the
actions that should be taken for a better orientation and psycho-
pedagogical counseling is: The relationship that should be had
between the child and the parent, Encourage new teaching
techniques and reestablish in children and young people the
possibilities of learning, Have learning spaces in order to get out of
comfort". Intellectual, pedagogical, social, cultural and religious
aspects could also be identified, since these also often interfere or
harm learning at the individual, group and institutional levels, and
therefore in the community.
The teacher must be flexible in the design of his or her class, as this
will allow the students' interests and responses to guide the direction
of the sessions, determine the teaching strategies and alter the
content. It is important to mention that this flexibility does not refer
to the student deciding what will or will not be done in class; rather,
it focuses on taking advantage of the moments in which students are
more receptive to certain topics in order to delve deeper into them.
Education is an intentional activity that involves both the subject
who learns and the object to be learned, it takes into account several
participants in the mentioned phenomenon and has a social scope
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
from the links that arise with other people, in this sense there is a
relationship that is generated between different agents in which there
is a social space of coexistence, it has the pretension of positive
acceptance of the other, the social dynamics is present at all times
and seeks the inclusion of all learners through a process that requires
active and democratic practices for the acquisition of meaningful
As stated by the author (Felipe, 2022) that "School guidance tries to
make a student able to move forward and solve the obstacles that
hinder him/her, which can be in the educational, labor and family
part". Where we can also say that it complies with some general
aspects such as: guidance is for everyone (teachers, students, parents,
educational community), this should always be a cooperative task
and should also cover the aspect of student development. This school
orientation can be helped by the UDAI, DECE and the Support
Pedagogue, allowing the correct development of the student through
the personalization of the teaching-learning process and advised with
the support of the families from the home in which they reside.
In this context it is very important the role of teachers and especially
also the work team of the educational center, work together;
however, if we do not work together we can not have good students
in academic development, that is why it is also essential the role of
the educational counselor, which can support from the classroom in
the process of teaching - learning. The pedagogical counseling is a
teaching activity where the teacher and the student must be linked in
a direct communication, and that must take actions such as: Knowing
how to observe and listen to what happens to advise, Having the
necessary knowledge to respond to educational needs, Knowing how
to apply innovative methodologies or resources, making synthesis in
order to carry out again the pedagogical counseling to each student.
Education should be a collaborative work between the different
entities of the educational community. As a teacher, I would like to
make an analysis from the point of view of students with special
educational needs, i.e. those who present some learning problem
throughout their school education, which demands a more specific
attention, so it is necessary to approach them with a special
educational interest since they demand more educational resources;
This type of students throughout their education present a number of
difficulties, the same that not only teachers are at a crossroads but
parents and children for this reason should generate strategies that
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
combine with certain agencies and laws that support and direct the
integration of their children. Families who have children with special
needs should have full knowledge of the duties, rights and
obligations as parents of students with special educational needs.
In this context, (Albán-Martínez, 2020) states that "the success of
inclusive education is subject to a favorable disposition of the
educational actors, specifically that of the teacher", the teacher is the
one who works directly with students with special educational needs,
therefore the progress within the IE depends on him, work that
requires team effort with the parent who from home will also
contribute to the education of their children, and why not say the
student since it also influences the willingness to learn. (García,
2018, p. 149), hold the idea that: "The training of teachers in
inclusive education is a key condition to move towards an equitable
and quality education for all students", it is very important to train
teachers to work with SEN students, since adequate knowledge is
required when carrying out activities with students, the inclusive
teacher knows how and what to do at the right time, considering and
taking into account everyone equally, including them in all aspects
in the educational field. Therefore, it is considered:
It is important to consider the mental age of the student
when planning activities.
Develop shorter and slower work, i.e., the degree of
complexity should be reduced.
Include the student in group activities, facilitating their
participation by making the necessary modifications, where
the student is an active part of the learning process.
Perform activities involving daily living tasks.
Organize activities that do not take too much time so that
the activity does not become tedious or tiring.
When considering the whole context in the present investigation we
can indicate that the knowledge of the different factors that arise
between an educational establishment, the environment arises the
permanent relationship that should exist between parents, teachers
and authorities so that there is a permanent improvement of methods,
techniques and strategies that approach a real life, in many occasions
it is necessary to motivate parents to provoke an interrelation since
there are cases in which they do not recognize a reality and are self-
conscious, moving away from their obligations and rights for their
children, denying them the support to education. Consequently, it is
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July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
also necessary to work with the parents, since parents and teachers
become fundamental nourishment for the child's behavior. These last
two parameters become a social reference. In this regard, Miranda
(2007) points out the "importance of the joint participation of
teachers, members of educational institutions and, above all, the
integration of parents" (p. 25).
Families need the advice of a counseling professional to play the role
of educator in the school life of their children (García, 2016). As
pointed out by Velásquez, et al. (2020), psychologists and
educational psychologists should work together with teachers to
intervene with families through prevention, thus avoiding the
proliferation of cases and making assertive decisions on the
application of improvement strategies. Therefore, it is considered
that the activities to be carried out with parents are training on the
situation and thus, they can teach their children by practice and
example; likewise, the family bond is strengthened. In addition,
families collaborate with educational reinforcement activities, which
improve the student's ability to reach the appropriate learning level.
Materials and methods
This article makes use of both empirical and theoretical methods.
Empirical methods are applied at the beginning of the investigation
and provide an overview of what is happening, during the first
observations and conversations with those involved in the problem.
Behavior is analyzed and these methods also help towards the
evaluation of the root cause of the problem. Theoretical methods are
those methods that will reveal the essential relationships of the object
of investigation, which are not directly observable. They participate
in the stage of assimilation of facts, phenomena and processes, and
are basically based on the processes of induction, deduction, analysis
and synthesis; the methods used are described below.
A survey was applied to 32 teachers and 24 parents, and the
following results are shown below.
Teachers make curricular adaptations and cater learning to students'
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
75% of teachers mentioned that they sometimes make curricular
adaptations for the learning of their students with SEN, while 25%
of the teachers responded always. It is evident that teachers are not
working adequately with children with SEN.
100% of teachers consider that the participation of parents of
students with SEN is helpful for the development of their learning,
which affirms the feasibility of the development of the research in
which it is desired that their caregivers actively contribute to the
learning of the students.
50% of teachers consider that the parent always communicates with
you as part of the academic and behavioral follow-up of their
student, while 50% of teachers respond sometimes; the responses
affirm that there is a lack of active participation on the part of parents
in terms of student learning.
50% of teachers respond that the criteria of the DECE professionals
or Inclusion Support Pedagogue on the assessment of the student
with intellectual disabilities are always correct, while 50% of
teachers indicate that sometimes the criteria of the DECE
professionals or Inclusion Support Pedagogue on the assessment of
the student with intellectual disabilities are always correct.
65% of parents indicate that their child is always motivated to learn,
20% sometimes, while 15% never. The responses are related to
children with SEN who have difficulties in learning, and need more
attention and help.
40% of parents indicate that their child never tries to solve a task and
does not succeed, 30% try again, 30% sometimes, while 30%
always. The responses show that parents are aware and notice the
learning problems of their children, which is positive because it can
be achieved through lectures and workshops that they support and
integrate into the cognitive process of children in order to improve
their quality of learning.
In the opinion of parents, 60% of parents consider that they always
and 40% of teachers sometimes do influence the development of
logical thinking in their children's classes, so it is considered that the
indicator is not affected in the opinion of parents.
The main actors involved in the application of psycho-pedagogy in
the educational environment are the family, the DECE, the teacher
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July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
and these fulfill specific roles to help the spontaneous performance
of the student in the school coexistence, these fulfill specific roles to
resolve any type of situations that often occur in the school
coexistence, where we only seek to manage actions that strengthen
the integral development of all children and adolescents of our noble
Parents, teachers and staff of the DECE department are direct
mediators and are the ones who evaluate the student at home and in
the classroom, with this we can maintain the emotional and socio-
cognitive stability of our students, it is a hard work, but certainly
very nice, because we try to reach them in the best way and this
makes an emotional bond is formed with the family and the student.
The role of the teacher is fundamental for the development of skills,
personal growth, meaningful learning and motivation to learn. The
classroom is the learning environment par excellence. It must be a
context according to what is to be achieved, to the objectives that a
teacher wants to achieve, therefore, it is important to create an
atmosphere of security with their students, in order to lose the fear
of ridicule and embarrassment, in addition to promoting a climate of
acceptance and mutual respect, respect the student if he does not
want to answer about the subject during class, as he may feel
intimidated by not knowing how to answer correctly.
It is imperative that teachers take a position of awareness regarding
the importance of their role in the educational process, their
professional solvency when intervening and accompanying those
who require it, working in harmony with the DECE to make possible
an equitable, equal and inclusive access, capable of making
recommendations to identify learning styles of those students with
special educational needs, absent of prejudice and nurtured by
dynamism, objective and generator of positive responses, to
recognize the importance of evaluating in a differentiated way and
applying curricular adaptations according to the degree of
affectation, all this with the knowledge, support and involvement of
parents and legal representatives of the learning subject, to carry out
a true attention to diversity in specificity, It is clear that this does not
refer to distinguish inferiority or superiority traits, but the tacit
intention of enabling an adequate teaching with a suitable didactic
that when executed by the educator guarantees an educational
process of quality and warmth.
Sinergias educativas
July - September Vol. 8 - 3- 2023
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